Documentary style wedding photography - what I care about

It’s so important you chose the right photographer to capture your day. Here are the things that matter to me and how I think your day should be documented.

Photography should be guided, not scripted.

Weddings aren’t a one-size-fits all so we won’t be working from a rigid plan or shot list all day. Moments are captured as they happen.

It should be prompted, not posed.

To me, photography is all about movement, not standing smiling at the camera. I’ll always give some easy-to-follow prompts so you aren’t wondering what to do next.

The in-between moments are just as important as the big ones.

It goes without saying things like the first kiss will be captured but I’m all about those little moments like the first look with your bridesmaids, your parents seeing you in your dress for the first time, after-ceremony chats and hugs with granny & grandad, that kind of thing. All the things you might not notice at that moment in time will be captured by me.

I keep it about you.

This is your day, so my approach is unobtrusive & low-key. I like to keep the focus where it belongs (on you) instead of pressing on like it’s a photoshoot.

Like what you hear?

If that all sounds right up your street I’d love to have a chat! Get in touch and tell me all about your plans. I'm also offering 10% off all wedding photography booked in January so get in touch to secure your date!